Procida Funding & Advisors
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about our company
Procida Funding
Procida Funding provides capital for a wide range of asset classes in the eastern region of the US, with a concentration in the New York metropolitan area. We use both our own capital and that of our strategic partners, which includes private equity funds and institutional lenders. Our experience as a borrower and developer provides us with keen insight into how to be a creative and responsible lender and investor.

Top Specialty Fund
The 100 Mile Fund is an open-ended private investment vehicle that was established in October of 2011.
Open-ended real estate investment vehicle
12.12% Net Return To Investor Since Inception 2011
The Fund originates and purchases mortgages, as well as makes investments in real estate and businesses in the New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut areas. Investments are generally within 100 miles of the New York City area. The 100 Mile Fund is a REIT and provides investors with the tax benefits under current tax statutes.

Procida Funding & Advisors
Awards Timeline
Financial Advice & Insights
From Billy Procida
Billy Procida guides you through the intricaces of the real estate market- passing forward the lessons he's learned throughout his 30 years of experience in the financial industry.